What are COOL LINKS?

This is a showcase of various websites that I think are flipping epic. A majority of these links lead to archives of media that has become difficult

to obtain as time passes and I think preservation through the internet is important!!! Try these out if they intrest you :)

WinWorld WinWorld is an archival site dedicated to sharing a wide selection of operating system ISOs as well as other computer software from yesteryear. Everything is free to install, virus-free, and is a fantastic way to explore and appreciate computer programming in its infancy.

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is probably one of the most important websites currently running on the web. It's a digital library that houses a plethora of information and resources that are otherwise at risk of being forgotten. Features such as The Wayback Machine also proves to be a powerful tool in internet preservation. Give The Internet Archive your support!!!!!!
VirtualBox VirtualBox is a powerful open source emulator capable of running older operating systems on your PC. It can be intimidating at first, but there's plenty of tutorials that offer step by step installations of different Windows machines. A great tool if wanting to utilize programs newer OSes may have trouble running.


Did you know that Google Chrome actually makes your computer run like shit? Chrome is a serious defect in computer performance due to its reliance on RAM, on top of that data collecting is extremely common through google. Firefox is an opensource browser, made with safety and performance in mind, as well as ensuring your data isn't sold out to shady advertisers. Fuck google chrome, all my homies hate google chrome. Mario Games A website boasting over 200 playable Super Mario games ranging from roms of offical Mario classics to iconic fanmade mario games! All games are compatible with just your keyboard and is completely ad-free :)